Image by engin akyurt from Pixabay
So, for newbies in L&D, delivering a better learning experience is essential – for you to stay relevant in the industry. Are you ready to start preparing your e-learning course? Below are some vital things to consider before you start creating your first online course.
Pick the right topic
Although it is advisable to choose topics that you have much experience in, it’s also vital that you pick that which you’ll love to learn. Opting for such topics will enable you to make thorough research and invest a lot in developing a course that will be of benefit to your learners.
Besides, you get to deliver teaching just the way you will want to receive it. So, when you choose the right course, your learners get to achieve a lot from it through your efforts to know more.
Research your target audience
Just before creating your first online course, it’s essential that you make a thorough research about your target audience. That will help you know their background, interest, and what motivates them.
Also, it will enable you to understand what your learners crave for and how you’ll be able to deliver your course.There’s no limit to what you can know about your target audience. That’s because the more you know, the more you get to deliver personalized learning that meets everyone’s needs.
Here are some likely questions that you can provide answers.
● What’s their level of understanding of the course?
Knowing your learners’ level of understanding of your topic will go a long way in helping you develop the right course. It’ll help you know the parts of the course that don’t need to be thought of and the parts that you need to cover.
● Are your learners, computer savvy?
Some online training requires a high level of technological skills. Hence, the need to research, to avoid giving a specific course to the wrong type of audience.
So, it’s advisable to know your learner’s level of technology – are they high-tech employees or not? By so doing, you can get to know if special training is required before accessing the course.
● What type of device and connectivity are they using to access your course?
It’s important you determine the type of device and connectivity that your learners use in accessing your online course. By so doing, you get to meet everybody’s requirements and deliver a better learning experience that most learners crave.
● Are your learners’ visually impaired?
This will serve you better when you’re trying to design your course. It’ll help you make accurate decisions on the type of fonts, graphics, and colors that best suits their needs.
Choosing the right authoring tool
I’m sure you know that choosing the right authoring tool like Wizcabin can help you save a lot of time and money? Apart from that, there are several other reasons to make thorough research before picking an authoring tool.
● Can the authoring tool support the collaborative effort?
● Is it easy to use?
● Does it provide flexibility and give access over your design control?
Well, there is more to it than just a few listed above. Feel free to check our previous post on choosing the right authoring tool for creating your first online course.
Research to know the demand
While defining your target audience is vital, it is also essential to know what they are demanding. You can research and know what your learners are demanding in the following ways;
● Keyword Analysis
A keyword analysis is one of how you can determine what your target audience is interested in learning. With the Google keyword tool, you can get the necessary data and know what people want to know.
● Ask the audience
This works if you already have some followers on your social platform. All you need to do is list out some topics and ask your audiences to give their opinions through a poll.
How to evaluate your success
It’s important you understand how to evaluate your success before creating your first online course. That’s the best way to determine if you’re making success and heading towards the right path with your e-learning course. So, how do you evaluate your success?
Well, you can do that through the; amount of dollars earned, number of subscribers on your social media, number of participants and those eager to see more of your courses. Also, you can measure your course’s success by defining its impact on learners’ behavior.
In conclusion
Having all the above 5 elements in mind will help you make better decisions while creating your first online course. Never forget that there’s nothing that beats creating an e-learning course that meets your learner’s requirements.