Elearning automation Guide

5 top tips to save you time and improve productivity

Introducing automation to your eLearning development process not only saves time and money but also improves effectiveness of learning in the modern workplace


We’ve put together our top 5 tips to show you how to get the best out of eLearning automation.

Identify where you are spending most of your time

Too much time spent on repetitive, mundane, technical tasks and not enough on content creation?  Identify where your time spent in your current production process.  Maybe some of these tasks can be automated.

Define your priorities

Quality time is needed to create quality content and effective eLearning strategies. Define your priorities and find out if you are spending your time appropriately.

Find automation tools that saves time

With your priorities set, make a list of automation tools available to you. At what stages of your process can you use them?  The key is to free up the time spent on lessor priority tasks.

Create asset libraries

While automation can help eliminate manual tasks, you’ll still likely need to create some fresh course resources. Reusable asset libraries are key to eLearning automation and will save you time repeatedly.

Think about course update

Need to regularly update your course content? Course edits and updates should be quick and hassle-free so make sure you choose automation tools that support your update scheduling needs.

Would you like to know more about eLearning automation?

Modern learning managers guide to elearning automation

Download our free resource book:

Modern learning managers guide to elearning automation

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