How animation-based learning can improve your online courses

Unlike in the past, the learners' attention span is short. Many do not have the patience to go through the course content especially when nothing seems to catch their eyes.
How Animation-based Learning Can Improve Your Online Courses

Trainers, organizations, and instructors now integrate animation into their course content to improve the quality. In case you’re wondering how animation-based learning can help to improve your online courses, you might have to stop worrying about it.

Over the years, animation has become a powerful tool in the e-Learning industry. Also, the popularity of using animations to boost learning has greatly increased.

That’s because we’ll be sharing with you everything you need to know regarding the question below.

What are the benefits of animation-based learning?

To start with, animation-based learning is the process of using animated videos as a visual aid to facilitate learning and improve performance. This approach of learning has proven over time to be very effective across various fields, including scientific evaluation, corporate online training, and university courses.

Furthermore, speaking of the benefits of animation-based learning for instructors and learners, there are several of them. Let’s have a quick look at some of them below:

1.     Simplify abstract or complex information

Admittedly, in every subject, we often find complex topics that may the mind finds too abstract to comprehend. Let’s face it, these terms are usually dry and uninteresting to the learners and can easily cause them to lose interest very quickly. That’s where animation-based learning comes into play.

With animation-based learning videos, instructors can easily define or explain complex topics that most learners find difficult to understand.

Many times, when expert instructors find it difficult to explain complex topics to learners, they often utilize animation visualization to simplify abstract topics and to explain the concepts to their students.

2.     Boost retention

Apart from helping to simplify abstract info, animation-based learning can also help to boosts learners’ retention ability. In case you don’t know, animations are awesome audiovisual learning resources.

The human brain can process visual information efficiently and quickly. Furthermore, according to scientific research, humans are likely to easily process and retain visual information better than text.

That said, the combination of both audio and visual learning material is an essential ingredient for easy learning retention. Also, let’s not forget that people learn in different ways.

While some groups of people like practical learning, others like reading, and some are visual learners. With animation-based learning, you can be able to meet the different kinds of learning styles, as it can incorporate all the learning styles mentioned above in a single video.

3.     Grab Attention and improve completion rate

Students often find the traditional method of reading as boring and uninteresting. Some may spend hours reading just a paragraph without understanding it.

All of this leading to a short attention and completion rate. However, animation-based learning brings a faster and more entertaining way of learning. Learners can be entertained and educated at the same time.

Therefore, you can rest assured that the learning approach can help to increase your learners’ attention and course completion rate.

4.     Affordable and reduced cost

In some cases, people say that animation videos are costly. However, contrary to that, it is cost-effective and helps to save time. One can easily make a budget animation video 2D and 3D with good quality.

The interesting thing is that after making the videos, one can use and reuse them for a long period. Also, Learners can watch and rewatch videos at their convenience.

In the long run, it reduces the cost of running monthly/yearly videos. Hence, animation-based learning is effective to achieve a massive boost in an organization’s training ROI.

How to produce animation-based learning

There are different animation software you can try your hands on if you are artistic. Nevertheless, I will advise you to collaborate with animation studios to bring a professional and useful animation video. Below, are the steps to take when producing animated-based learning.

1.     Research your audience

The first step to creating an animation-based learning video is to make a thorough research about your audience. You must know your audience and tailor your video to suit them. It will help you to develop a better way to present your information to your learners.

For instance, if you are dealing with children, the kind of animated video you’ll make should be the type they can relate to.

2.     Write the script

After knowing your audience, it’s also essential for you to write down the terms and the script for the animation video. The script will come in as a voice-over to give extra information and human touch to the animation video.

Furthermore, if you’re working on a descriptive topic, you need to make it simple and straightforward. But in the case of a narrative video, it may entail many different characters and different voices.

3.     Storyboarding

After writing the script, hand it over to the animator crew. These people will have insight into how the video should proceed, including the background, visual, or vocal effects to be used. The bottom line is that the planned work should be in line with your audience.

4.     Illustrating the Elements

This is the point where the ideas come to life. Here, you consider the design characters, objects, and the background needed for the video. Designing animation characters may be daunting if you are working alone but you can get lots of vectors and illustrations online.

5.     Animating

Lastly, this is the stage where you put all the pieces together to make your final animator video. The animation should stick closely with the approved storyboard. The quality must be good enough for your audience.

Naveen Neelakandan

Naveen Neelakandan

Naveen is the chief executive officer at Wizcabin. He helps organizations to optimize their elearning strategy by balancing the cost and effectiveness factors.

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